This is a toplist with the best coworking spaces near Plagwitz, Leipzig. You can help to make this list better by voting for your favourite places!
1 chaos coworking Leipzig
Tolles Coworking in besonderer Lage mit eigenen Hafen und Parkplatz direkt vor der Tür.
2 Culture port on Riverboat GmbH & Co. KG

I always really enjoy watching riverboats on TV.
3 Suse liebe Suse (ehemals LYDIATRUDI)

Die Frau ist sehr nett! Ich kaufe da sehr gerne und hoffe die Kurse gehen bald wieder los.
The girl is very kind! I love to go shopping and see if they have brought new things. I have never been to their courses because they were already closed for the crown, but I hope I can attend when they return.
4 Osthof Studio

Great studio. Very nice and relaxed atmosphere and professional structures in all areas. Highly recommended for photographers. Six out of five stars!
6 Impact Hub Leipzig GmbH

Dear CoWorkers, Entrepreneurs and Inventors,
if you are looking for the coworking space Impact Hub Leipzig to rent a workplace there, go to Plagwitz in the
Industriestr. 95, 04229 Leipzig
Consumption center Aufgang F.
The friendly operators await you there with super fast internet, Café Creme and a great idea space in industrial style.
There is probably a meeting room at this address, Roßplatz.
stay creative
8 Tapetenwerk

Found some really cool stuff at the Floh Markt. The rice and stew being sold there reminded me of home--Nigeria!
9 Raumstation - Coworking Leipzig

Very friendly coworking space, several flex desks were available on a walk-in basis when visited (July 2019). Good amenities plus a terrace sit down space for lunch time. It gets a bit hot there without air con during especially hot days.
10 Studio Delta - workspace

Studio Delta is a truly shared workspace. My team and I had a really positive experience. Comfortable, lovable! A great place to work.
11 Coworking Space Leipzig Lindenau Ohja

Prettiest co-working space in Leipzig! Not only is the interior design incredibly tasteful but the atmosphere is really nice. It's quiet but filled with great and interesting people. I enjoy working there a lot and would definitely recommend this place.
12 Klinge22 // Creative Coworking

Coworking space with living room flair in the west of Leipzig. The perfect alternative to the home office with interesting people and great equipment. Fast internet, fair prices, individually furnished, with great attention to detail. Clear recommendation from me.
13 SpinLab - The HHL Accelerator

Great Accelerator Programm with top mentors, coaches and workshops. A+++ Partners and VC Network and an awesome core-team + startups, founders, employees around. Always a helping hand and ready to go the extra mile as well!
14 UniverSaH-Space - Tagungsräume | Seminarräume | Coworking

Super fast agreements. We also used the rooms of the coworking for our own events and each time it is judged perfectly according to our imagination. We are always happy to be there.
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Or have a look at the best coworking spaces in all of Leipzig!